Dust Bowl Dance Presentation
Project #16 Dust Bowl Dance Blog Post
PBL & Technology In the Classroom
Project #16 Folder
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
C4k Summary and Comments April
Peyton's Blog
Peyton's blog post was about delicious bagel bites. She likes to have them for lunch and her favorite bagel bites are the pepperoni flavored.
Great post about bagel bites Peyton. I've never tried them but they must be good because you made a blog post about them. Keep up the good work!
Carson's Blog
Carson's blog post was about left handed people.
Work on your grammar.
Peyton's blog post was about delicious bagel bites. She likes to have them for lunch and her favorite bagel bites are the pepperoni flavored.
Great post about bagel bites Peyton. I've never tried them but they must be good because you made a blog post about them. Keep up the good work!
Carson's Blog
Carson's blog post was about left handed people.
Work on your grammar.
C4C #13
Janelle J's Blog
I enjoyed your blog post. Your blog post about an influential person in your life was a good choice.
I enjoyed your blog post. Your blog post about an influential person in your life was a good choice.
Blog Post #5 Pt. 2
Symbaloo |
PLNs Summary
I created my PLN through Sybaloo. My PLN is currently equipped with necessities, such as, YouTube, Gmail, Google, Twitter and many more search engines and great websites. There are also other icons on my PLN that I personally use for shopping such as Walmart, Target, Ebay, and Amazon, just to name a few. There are entertainment icons on my PLN, such as, Netflix, Skype, and Facebook. Personal Learning Networks help future and current teachers and students learn new, exciting things on their own. PLNs give the students and teachers freedom. Creativity flows through PLNs. You can pin any website on your own PLN and begin learning. I have worked through my PLN throughout the semester and I will continue to work through my PLN even after this semester. PLNs are a great source of learning. PLNs are great!
Blog Post #14
1.Pick from the best
2.Seniority distraction
According to Joel Klein, in Teaching our children can be a profession: Column, there are ways for teaching to be a profession. There are a list of problems that hinder teachers from being as good as they can be. The following problems and solutions can help teachers be better teachers. First teaching is not professionalized, according to Klein. He believes that teachers should begin with academic training for prospective teachers. Recruiting the top third of all graduates ensures above satisfactory academic training from prospective teachers, rather than anyone with a degree become a teacher. This is called "picking from the best." Second, Joel Klein says that we should change how we reward teachers. He says that teachers are "interchangeable." The seniority distraction is a major problem. The more experienced teachers teach in the nicer schools with more privileged students whereas the inexperienced teachers teach in school where there are poor students.
All of these points are significant to the fact that teaching can be a profession. If we give above satisfactory academic training to prospective teachers then our teachers will be better teachers. I do not agree with "picking from the best." It is not fair to prospective teachers that give their all in everything they do academic to fall short because some other prospective teacher is smarter than them. This should be re addressed for all prospective teachers.
2.Seniority distraction
According to Joel Klein, in Teaching our children can be a profession: Column, there are ways for teaching to be a profession. There are a list of problems that hinder teachers from being as good as they can be. The following problems and solutions can help teachers be better teachers. First teaching is not professionalized, according to Klein. He believes that teachers should begin with academic training for prospective teachers. Recruiting the top third of all graduates ensures above satisfactory academic training from prospective teachers, rather than anyone with a degree become a teacher. This is called "picking from the best." Second, Joel Klein says that we should change how we reward teachers. He says that teachers are "interchangeable." The seniority distraction is a major problem. The more experienced teachers teach in the nicer schools with more privileged students whereas the inexperienced teachers teach in school where there are poor students.
All of these points are significant to the fact that teaching can be a profession. If we give above satisfactory academic training to prospective teachers then our teachers will be better teachers. I do not agree with "picking from the best." It is not fair to prospective teachers that give their all in everything they do academic to fall short because some other prospective teacher is smarter than them. This should be re addressed for all prospective teachers.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
C4k #10
Connor's Blog
This is a great post Connor! Your grammar was correct and the post was straight to the point. This is a well-written blog post. Keep up the good work!
This is a great post Connor! Your grammar was correct and the post was straight to the point. This is a well-written blog post. Keep up the good work!
C4C #12
Hannah Tolbert Blog Post
Great blog post Hannah. You summarize the information well and created a neat blog post. Keep up the good work!
Great blog post Hannah. You summarize the information well and created a neat blog post. Keep up the good work!
Blog Post #13
What type of learning community is best in an English classroom?
According to Hassan Mansaray in the 9 Strategies for Reaching All Learners in English Language Arts article, there are 9 strategies for reaching all learners in English Language Arts. The first strategy is to encourage individual reading. This strategy allows students to choose the books they want to read. These books should be on the student's reading level. Students should read for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. The second strategy is to design product driven reading and writing instruction. It is good to have a key question to begin product driven reading and writing. The third strategy is pre-reading and pre-writing. This allows for good writing ideas. This also allows for students to incorporate better word choice. The fourth strategy is making meaning. In this strategy the teacher is to create basic reading strategies for the students. The students then get into groups to apply these strategies for better learning. The fifth strategy is text annotation. In this strategy students highlight and bookmark main ideas and find answers to questions. The sixth strategy is to ask text-based evidence questions. This strategy allows for students to provide evidence to support their answers using a t-chart or some other organizer. The seventh strategy is immerse students in the genre. The eighth strategy is to provide options for writing The teacher should provide a wide span of writing topics for students with different learning and writing skills. The ninth strategy is to analyze and interpret. The teacher is to teacher lessons that focus on interpretation and analysis. The students should analyze the author and his or her use of diction and syntax.
According to Hassan Mansaray in the 9 Strategies for Reaching All Learners in English Language Arts article, there are 9 strategies for reaching all learners in English Language Arts. The first strategy is to encourage individual reading. This strategy allows students to choose the books they want to read. These books should be on the student's reading level. Students should read for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. The second strategy is to design product driven reading and writing instruction. It is good to have a key question to begin product driven reading and writing. The third strategy is pre-reading and pre-writing. This allows for good writing ideas. This also allows for students to incorporate better word choice. The fourth strategy is making meaning. In this strategy the teacher is to create basic reading strategies for the students. The students then get into groups to apply these strategies for better learning. The fifth strategy is text annotation. In this strategy students highlight and bookmark main ideas and find answers to questions. The sixth strategy is to ask text-based evidence questions. This strategy allows for students to provide evidence to support their answers using a t-chart or some other organizer. The seventh strategy is immerse students in the genre. The eighth strategy is to provide options for writing The teacher should provide a wide span of writing topics for students with different learning and writing skills. The ninth strategy is to analyze and interpret. The teacher is to teacher lessons that focus on interpretation and analysis. The students should analyze the author and his or her use of diction and syntax.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
C4K #8
Peyton's Blog
Great post about bagel bites Peyton. I've never tried them but they must be good because you made a blog post about them. Keep up the good work!
Great post about bagel bites Peyton. I've never tried them but they must be good because you made a blog post about them. Keep up the good work!
Blogpost #11
In the Blended Learning Cycle Paul Anderson puts students in control of learning by doing peer reviewing and peer grading. He also talks about a method of learning called The Blended Learning Cycle. This is a combination of mobile, classroom, and online learning. Anderson uses the acronym "Quiver." This stands for QUestion, Investigation/Inquiry, Video, Elaboration, Review, and Summary Quiz. In the Back to the Future video, Brian Crosby talks about his 4th grade students and how they learn in the classroom. His students have blobs in which they write in often. The students build learning networks with other students through blogging. They leave comments on other students blogs from around the world. Crosby promotes students to learn on their own. He also promotes active learning. This is more fun for the students and it also keeps the students engaged in learning. In the video, Sam Pane 4th Grade, Sam Pane allows his students to create Digital citizens which are digital super heroes. His students create these super heroes on the computer. These super heroes keep his students engaged in the classroom while teaching them how to use technology. In the video, Project Based Learning, technology is used to enhance student learning in English and History classes. The teachers combined English and History together. The students enjoy project based learning. In the Roosevelt Elementary PBL video, PBL is in depth learning, with integrated thematic instruction, based on a "real world" problem, research based, and containing projects and presentations. PBL is an instructional approach that incorporates real world problem solving skills within the classroom. Teachers collaborate when figuring out which assignments to make. They use cooperative learning. The teachers give the students free choice. Free choice helps students because they learn in different ways. It incorporates many different learning styles from the students.
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Students Learning |
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
C4C #9
Jessica's Blog
We clearly learned the same things from all of the videos. You summarized your thoughts well. The is a great post, keep up the good work!
We clearly learned the same things from all of the videos. You summarized your thoughts well. The is a great post, keep up the good work!
C4T #3
Anna Cockerille's Blog
This is a great post! I completely agree with your five points of using persuasive writing with the health care system, especially your first point. Writing from a place of strong emotion helps because you definitely get the job done when you're angry about something.
This is a great post! I completely agree with your five points of using persuasive writing with the health care system, especially your first point. Writing from a place of strong emotion helps because you definitely get the job done when you're angry about something.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Blog Post #10
Students using technology |
First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class
Interview Part 1
Interview Part 2
Interview Part 3
Ms. Cassidy is a first grade teacher. She was given five computers that she wanted to make use of in the classroom. She used the computers to make webpages and blog posts. She started off small with her students then ventured off and expanded her student's use of technology. Ms. Cassidy uses the blog as an online portfolio so that parents can see what the students learn. Ms. Cassidy wants her students to learn form other professionals on the internet Using blogs improve students writing skills. This helps the student learn outside from their teacher. Ms. Cassidy's approach to the use of technology in the classroom is welcoming. She started incorporating technology in the classroom ten years ago because she felt it was necessary to have access to technology. Technology is necessary in the classroom and used in the world everyday. Learning how to use technology at a young age helps the students with the basics so that when the student is older he or she will know how use more complicated technology. Ms. Cassidy is cautious of her student's safety while using the internet. She instructs her students no to use their last names and not to visit websites that don't pertain to their educational purposes. Students with impediments should be paid close attention to. The teacher must take the time to explain the information to students with impediments. Technology is the benefit of Ms. Cassidy's method. It is important for every student to know how to use technology.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
C4C #8
Andrea's Blog Post
Andrea, you should definitely add more detail to your post. I feel as though you left out a lot of other good information that should have been included in this post.
Andrea, you should definitely add more detail to your post. I feel as though you left out a lot of other good information that should have been included in this post.
Blog Post #9
What can teachers and students teach us about Project Based Learning?
In the article 7 Essentials for Project Based Learning, There are seven ideas that help with understanding Project Based Learning. The first idea is called "A Need to Know." This idea, according to Larmer and Mergendoller, provides the students with what they need to know to develop a clear and concise project. This keeps their projects on topic and to the point. The second idea is called "A Driving Question." The driving question is the thesis of the entire project. This question, according the Larmer and Mergendoller, should be provocative, open-ended, complex and linked to the core of what the students want to learn. The third idea is "Student Voice and Choice." This principle is geared towards the work quality of the student. The project has to feel meaningful to the students. These projects should fit the students style. The fourth idea is "21st Century Skills." According to Larmer and Mergendoller, 21st century skills are collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and the use of technology. The fifth idea is "Inquiry and Innovation." In dealing with Inquiry students are finding real life research and discovering answers through Innovation. The sixth idea is "Feedback and Revision." Feedback is given from teachers and fellow students. This gives the student valuable information on how good or bad their project is. Revision is the student taking that feedback and correcting mistakes that were made the first time and doing better the next time. The last idea is "A Publicly Presented Product." This is the student presenting his or her work to more than the teacher and his or her classmates. This student's work can be placed on the internet for all to see or their work can be displayed for the community to see. When this is done the student tends to do better work and put in more of an effort to do good work.
Project Based Learning for Teachers
Using Project Based Learning, students learn different skills such as collaboration skills, critical thinking skills, and career and life skills. Project based learning is a combination of questioning, investigating, sharing, and reflecting. Technology is important also. The following technological devices are used with Project Based Learning: Powerpoint, glogster, meeting words, xtranormal ZooBurst, Popplet, Edmodo, Google Docs, Prezi, Blabbenze and many more. Students take charge of learning when using project based learning. Project Based Learning includes having a purpose, addressing an audience, crafting a driving question, identifying learning standards creating rubrics, grouping students, brainstorming, and meeting deadlines, just to name a few.
What Motivates Students? Motivation starts with rewarding students for doing good. Making good grades in school motivates kids so that they can get a good job to make good money and feed their family. Good grades also come with going to college so that you can get a degree and get a great job. Motivation for doing good in school keep students out of trouble and allows students to have fun on the weekends and go places with their friends. Students liked to be rewarded with pizza parties, garden time, and stickers.
High School Teachers Meet the Challenges of PBL Implementation
This video gives ways to create Project Based Learning in English and Math class. It is hard to do Project Based Learning in Math and English class. High school Math teachers have the students create games in groups which is fun and engaging for the students. Project Based Learning in english class is more complicated. The high school teachers turn learning onto a script that the students enjoy. Project Based Learning increased students passing high school and raised test scores.
In the article 7 Essentials for Project Based Learning, There are seven ideas that help with understanding Project Based Learning. The first idea is called "A Need to Know." This idea, according to Larmer and Mergendoller, provides the students with what they need to know to develop a clear and concise project. This keeps their projects on topic and to the point. The second idea is called "A Driving Question." The driving question is the thesis of the entire project. This question, according the Larmer and Mergendoller, should be provocative, open-ended, complex and linked to the core of what the students want to learn. The third idea is "Student Voice and Choice." This principle is geared towards the work quality of the student. The project has to feel meaningful to the students. These projects should fit the students style. The fourth idea is "21st Century Skills." According to Larmer and Mergendoller, 21st century skills are collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and the use of technology. The fifth idea is "Inquiry and Innovation." In dealing with Inquiry students are finding real life research and discovering answers through Innovation. The sixth idea is "Feedback and Revision." Feedback is given from teachers and fellow students. This gives the student valuable information on how good or bad their project is. Revision is the student taking that feedback and correcting mistakes that were made the first time and doing better the next time. The last idea is "A Publicly Presented Product." This is the student presenting his or her work to more than the teacher and his or her classmates. This student's work can be placed on the internet for all to see or their work can be displayed for the community to see. When this is done the student tends to do better work and put in more of an effort to do good work.
Project Based Learning for Teachers
Using Project Based Learning, students learn different skills such as collaboration skills, critical thinking skills, and career and life skills. Project based learning is a combination of questioning, investigating, sharing, and reflecting. Technology is important also. The following technological devices are used with Project Based Learning: Powerpoint, glogster, meeting words, xtranormal ZooBurst, Popplet, Edmodo, Google Docs, Prezi, Blabbenze and many more. Students take charge of learning when using project based learning. Project Based Learning includes having a purpose, addressing an audience, crafting a driving question, identifying learning standards creating rubrics, grouping students, brainstorming, and meeting deadlines, just to name a few.
What Motivates Students? Motivation starts with rewarding students for doing good. Making good grades in school motivates kids so that they can get a good job to make good money and feed their family. Good grades also come with going to college so that you can get a degree and get a great job. Motivation for doing good in school keep students out of trouble and allows students to have fun on the weekends and go places with their friends. Students liked to be rewarded with pizza parties, garden time, and stickers.
High School Teachers Meet the Challenges of PBL Implementation
This video gives ways to create Project Based Learning in English and Math class. It is hard to do Project Based Learning in Math and English class. High school Math teachers have the students create games in groups which is fun and engaging for the students. Project Based Learning in english class is more complicated. The high school teachers turn learning onto a script that the students enjoy. Project Based Learning increased students passing high school and raised test scores.
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Photo Citation |
Saturday, March 14, 2015
C4C #7
Justine's Blog
Great post Justine. I think it's a great idea to allow the students to be creative while learning and doing projects. Capps does fun and exciting projects with his students which makes the learning process fun and easy.
Great post Justine. I think it's a great idea to allow the students to be creative while learning and doing projects. Capps does fun and exciting projects with his students which makes the learning process fun and easy.
Blog Post #8
Randy Pausch The Last Lecture
In the video Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams , Pausch talked about a lot of personal things. He talked about achieving his childhood dreams. He actually talked more about his childhood dreams than teaching and learning. I completely agree with Pausch's idea of teaching and learning. From what he did say about teaching and learning I learned that the best way to teach somebody something is to have them think that they are learning something else. Pausch talked about kids making movies and games, but in actuality they are learning computer programming. The idea is that kids have fun while learning something hard. Parents, teachers, and mentors are all different types of people that help you learn. Pausch also talked about metaphorical brick walls. Brick walls are challenges that stop the people who don't really want to achieve their goals. He also said that brick walls can be anything from obstacles to actual people. This lecture was an eye opener which inspired me to achieve my personal goals and to not allow brick walls to hold me back.
Photo Citation
In the video Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams , Pausch talked about a lot of personal things. He talked about achieving his childhood dreams. He actually talked more about his childhood dreams than teaching and learning. I completely agree with Pausch's idea of teaching and learning. From what he did say about teaching and learning I learned that the best way to teach somebody something is to have them think that they are learning something else. Pausch talked about kids making movies and games, but in actuality they are learning computer programming. The idea is that kids have fun while learning something hard. Parents, teachers, and mentors are all different types of people that help you learn. Pausch also talked about metaphorical brick walls. Brick walls are challenges that stop the people who don't really want to achieve their goals. He also said that brick walls can be anything from obstacles to actual people. This lecture was an eye opener which inspired me to achieve my personal goals and to not allow brick walls to hold me back.
Photo Citation

C4K #5 #6 #7 Summary & comments
Ariel's Blog
In this post Ariel gives great advice to incoming freshmen. She advises them to do all of the work that is assigned to them. Ariel informs the freshmen to listen to their teachers and avoid negative peer pressure. She also says that it's good to participate in school activities. Last but certainly not least, Ariel suggests that the freshmen should make friends.
This is a great post Ariel. You gave a lot of insight into what high school is. You also made great points on what to do in high school. I completely agree with your points. These points will be helpful to incoming freshmen. Great post Ariel!
AJ's Blog
AJ's post is about the NFL's "no catch rule." He writes about whether or not this rule should be banned or kept. AJ believes that the rule should be banned. I can't agree or disagree because I have no idea of what this rule means nor do I watch football.
The topic of your post gives a great argument, but your grammar needs work. Great post! Keep up the good work.
Joey's Blog
Joey's blog is about whether or not first impressions are accurate. Joey believes that first impressions are not accurate. He makes a comparison to a book and how the cover looks amazing but the book's content is boring. He makes a claim that first impressions are not accurate because you don't know that person or object.
This is a great post that I completely agree with. The only problem is that there are grammatical errors that need to be fixed. Overall, the post is great! Keep up the good work.
In this post Ariel gives great advice to incoming freshmen. She advises them to do all of the work that is assigned to them. Ariel informs the freshmen to listen to their teachers and avoid negative peer pressure. She also says that it's good to participate in school activities. Last but certainly not least, Ariel suggests that the freshmen should make friends.
This is a great post Ariel. You gave a lot of insight into what high school is. You also made great points on what to do in high school. I completely agree with your points. These points will be helpful to incoming freshmen. Great post Ariel!
AJ's Blog
AJ's post is about the NFL's "no catch rule." He writes about whether or not this rule should be banned or kept. AJ believes that the rule should be banned. I can't agree or disagree because I have no idea of what this rule means nor do I watch football.
The topic of your post gives a great argument, but your grammar needs work. Great post! Keep up the good work.
Joey's Blog
Joey's blog is about whether or not first impressions are accurate. Joey believes that first impressions are not accurate. He makes a comparison to a book and how the cover looks amazing but the book's content is boring. He makes a claim that first impressions are not accurate because you don't know that person or object.
This is a great post that I completely agree with. The only problem is that there are grammatical errors that need to be fixed. Overall, the post is great! Keep up the good work.
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