1. The Mr. Dancealot video is about a social dance class that gives students the basics about different types of dances such as waltz, swing, and tango. This video gives background information on different dances and shows students how to do the dances. I do agree with the conclusion of this movie. After the students learn the dances they are tested with an open book and open note exam. In order to test a student's knowledge on how well they know information, they need to be tested. Although, an open note and open book exam is only testing the students on how good a note taker they are, and how well they can find answers in a book.
2. I. What teachers provide?
a. content
b. facts
c. dates
d. research
II. Social Media
a. blogs
b. facebook
c. twitter
III. What does creation mean today?
a. blogging
b. podcasting
c. animating
d. planning
IV. Reliable sources?
a. google
b. delicious
c. wikipedia
d. blogs
V. How do we mange technology at school?
a. make sure it's relevant
b challenging
c. engaging
VI. Entertainment is?
a. passive
b. active
c. for enjoyment
d. for learning.
I agree with Kevin Roberts. Teaching with the use of technology is prevalent and will be even more prevalent in the future. Teachers should know how to use technology in order to help advance classroom learning. This will affect me as a future educator because I am aware of the importance of technology. Technology will be used in my future classroom to make learning more fun and understanding.
3. The Networked Student
I have a negative viewpoint of this video. I do not agree with the theory of connectivism. I prefer the teacher teach me what I need to know rather than finding what I need to know, completely, on my own. Gaining knowledge on your own is fine, but may be difficult while trying to figure out what your teacher wants from you. This now forms the question "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?" The student needs a teacher for guidance on how to find this knowledge. Without a teacher a student can become lost and confused.
4. Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Thesis: The thesis is using technology to connect students to the world.
I agree with Vicki Davis' argument that paper and pencil is not the only way to learn. Some students learn better by using technology. Davis encourages her students to be thinkers and I totally agree with that concept. As a future educator, I would want my students to be thinkers. Not only do I want to teach them, I also want to learn from them.
5. Who is ahead in the learning race?
In my opinion, the elementary students are ahead in the learning race. The elementary students have the resources at their finger tips to learn how to use technology. These students use Mac books to make iMovies and create blogs. They also have advantages in using audio. I noticed in the video that the graduate and undergraduate students do not have all the resources the elementary students have. This makes the elementary students more advanced than the graduate and undergraduate students.
6. Flipping the classroom.
Flipping the classroom is definitely new to me. The technology used for this concept was not used while I was in elementary, middle, nor high school, although, it was available. No teachers used this new idea of Flipping the Classroom while I was growing up. This approach is a good approach, although, I would not use it. I would not use this approach because I know half, if not more, of my future high school students would not use it. Therefore, this would be a waste of my time. This approach really depends on the teacher. A syllabus approach can work just as good as the Flipping the Classroom approach. Page numbers for lessons can be put on the syllabus so that the students can look over the material and come in class prepared to ask questions and learn.
A lot of your feedback on the videos was close to what I believed. Especially, about the Networking Student video. I also believe that teachers should teach us as students and not let us figure things out on our own. With school being based upon grades I feel like it is too much of a risk for teachers to force students to figure out their schoolwork and having us putting grades our risk.
ReplyDeleteWe really think alike. I had the same views when I saw the video's too, especially about Mr. Dancealot. I also really liked your outline , you are very detailed.